Whether the UK ultimately leaves the EU as planned, or not, with a Withdrawal Agreement, or not, the Brexit process has dominated the country’s politics over the past three years. This virtual special issue brings together some of the best scholarship on the UK’s role in the EU featured in Politics over the past three decades.
This post is the introduction to our virtual special issue on the 2018 Brazil elections. The issue was edited by Adrián Albala and André Borges, from the University of Brasilia, who also wrote this introduction.
Brazil’s 2018 Election have widely been commented for three main reasons. First, the emergence, or better said the meteoric ascension, of a hardcore right-wing populist to the presidency. Second, the unprecedented and dramatic polarization of the electorate, conducing to a centrifuged electoral campaign. Finally, as a consequence of the two previous points, the emergence of a far-right political force and the decline of traditional central political parties (namely the MDB and PSDB).
If the conflagration in 2014 of the Lava Jato corruption scandal constitutes the main background to this hinge electoral contest, the potential effects of this election are still unclear and unpredictable. However, the proposal of this virtual issue consists in highlight some explanatory elements that may further an understanding of the emergence of Jair Bolsonaro’s electoral linkages, and the impacts on the Brazilian political system.
Politics at the British International Studies Association, 2017.
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Politics at the British International Studies Association, 2017.
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Politics at the British International Studies Association, 2017.
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How the partial colonisation of Afghanistan and its ‘frontier status’ has generated discourses of state failure, and how this has led to the construal of Afghanistan as a zone of exception and of permanent crisis.
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8 new journal articles from our Special Issue on Irregular Migration and the Politics of Agency.
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It is easy to overlook the political significance of culture—especially lowbrow culture. But studying culture through soap operas can reveal how everyday life shapes politics.
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Why it is not possible to inhibit the integration of irregular migrants without damaging community cohesion and the integration of society as a whole.
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How to understand complex inequalities and power changes in diverse societies? Intersectionality is the answer.
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